Автор: Cyndi Suarez
Author is a consultant who works with leaders in the non-profit, philanthropy and social movements including Black Lives Matter and Institution for Social Change She has a background in feminist theory and organizational development for social change She is the editor of Non-profit Quarterly , the leading non-profit journal The book proposed a new theory of power and how to work with it The key message is that power skills are learnable and power relationships can be transformed The author focuses on using games and theatre to investigate and learn about power transformation The activities focus on practising power and learning where power resides It explores major concepts of power with a focus on power dynamics and how to shift them It looks at the dynamics of domination and liberation and helps identify the way power is deployed The book is in four sections: identity, choice, thresholds and games Audience Leaders of nonprofits working for social change, social activists, business leaders, human relation managers and academics
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